Monday, May 31, 2010


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You'll awaken knowing that whatever it is you want most out of the day can really happen. As for your second and third wishes, they will have to wait. Focus on the most important thing.

I was awoken at 3:33am by Will joining us at full speed and full noise. I stayed awake long enough to gain the realisation at 4:18am that I have always been weird (and that I should completely avoid the years that end in 9 because they have always been shite in one way or another). Seriously even as a five year old I was weird and probably before that as well- I just can't remember much of it.

As for what I want to happen today... ummm... I need to get milk. I guess that the frappuncino and driving Kieran to school will have to wait, bugger.

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