Sunday, May 16, 2010

Play school

I think you are never too old to enjoy playdough and Merenia certainly agrees.

We made up some cooked playdough recently which just has the best texture.

The kids would play with it every day if they could.

This is the recipe we use: 2 cups of plain flour, 1 Cup of Salt, 2 Tablesppons of Oil, 4 Tablespoons Cream of Tartar (aka Tartaric acid), 2 Cups of water and food colouring.

Combine dry ingredients in saucepan. Add Oil to water then add to dry ingredients gradually while stirring. Continue to stir until dough starts to leave the side of the pot. Leave to cool and then knead.

If you only want one colour of dough then you can add food colouring during the cooking stage.

If you want more than one then divide cooled dough and then add food colouring before kneading. If you are doing this be sure to wear rubber gloves while kneading- or if you don't have any then place the dough and food colouring in a zip lock bag and knead it in the bag.

If kept in a sealed container this dough can last for months.

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