Friday, May 7, 2010

Guest Post - Kieran - Young Leaders Day

Yesterday the House Captains (Prefects) went to the National Young Leaders Day at the Logan Campbell Centre. This is like a conference with guest speakers who speak '' inspirationally'' (half of the speakers instead were interviewed).

The speakers were Nick Tuitasi, Matt Gibb and Dayna Vawdrey (Kids TV Presenters), Glen Osbourne, Pippa Wetzell and Rob Harley.

The most inspirational were Nick Tuitasi, Glen Osbourne and Rob Harley (journalist).

Nick Tuitasi (former Police officer) talked about barriers and going with the right crowd.

Glen talked about never giving up and Rob talked about not being limited by things that have happened to you.

I got pointed to by Matt because when he was on stage they were talking about groups at school. Matt did theatre sports and when he asked if there anyone who did it to I was I think the only person who had done it. It was awesome.

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