Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I am a little behind for my Holidays In Hand prompts not because the holidays aren't in hand, they very much are. But in fact because we been taking some time to do 'not much'. Things like talking and reading and kid watching, and crafting and such.

In case you were wondering these prompts will go together to make an album or albums... I haven't quite decided on the format yet. Probably an album which I'll give the working title "Christmas Stockley Style" and a whole bunch of pages for the album I have that is called; Gypsy- Collected Stories (A 'book of Me' album for those of you who are scrapbookers out there).

So the prompt from the 20th..... Something I feel incredibly blessed and grateful for;

Well Duh!
Les, Kieran, Merenia, Saskia and Will.
Extended Family
The opportunity to be at home to really raise our kids.
The Defence Force and Les (they pay for our lifestyle and provide our home, relatively crummy though it may be, and give our kids the awesome gift of being 'Airforce kids').
Coming to my senses about the state school system.
Scrapbooking and other creative outlets.
and most of all Les.

How have the holidays changed since I had children; They are relatively the same but more expensive and the workload has shifted. :-) And I do kind of miss the mystery and excitement that you get as a kid on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning.

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