Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week in the Life 2009 Day 6 - Saturday

0545 Will woke up brought him into bed with us.
0718 I wake Les up thinking it's a work day. Apologise and then lay thinking of all the things I want to do but don't want to wake up Will.
0740 Will wakes up and gets up, I follow getting dressed and meeting the kids in the lounge. Merenia is on the computer and Kieran is annoying her. :-) I start a search for the Audiclear because my sore ear is driving me crazy. Go nuts when I can't find it.
0800 Les is up I am messing around in spare room adding chipboard to Will's new Mower book as it is a bit flimsy for toddler handling. Finish off Mini Rugby Album for MC.
0820 Les and Merenia are cooking eggs for breakfast. Les gets Will dressed for day. I sit down with them while they eat.
0900 I make porridge for my breakfast and sit down at laptop to read mail and blogs.
0930 Les, Kieran, Merenia and Will head to Albany to do some shopping.
0940 I am working on computer crossing things off my list; Print E-tickets, Trade Me listings, blog posts, Hannah Montana Lyrics etc. Rocking out to Lily Allen!
1200 The crew return home. Put pies in the oven. Kieran goes on the computer and Les gets Will sorted. I am still working on the computer uploading photos and putting together a Lyric book for Merenia.
1240 Merenia is on the PS2 with Kieran watching. Les is reading stories to Will.
1310 The kids eat their pies for lunch while Will hangs out.
1330 Les makes us toasted sandwiches. Which we eat while sitting at the computers.
1340 Will plays Vinyl layer on the lino. He is using the body of a toy beater as his stapler.
1415 I take some photos of the kids for the new blog blog header.
1438 Les and Will head outside. Merenia joins them. Kieran is in his room reading.
1515 Les and Will come inside.
1558 Kieran listening to Radio sport in his room and reading. Will asleep on me. I am blogging. Les resting in the bedroom. Merenia on the swings outside.
1617 Both big kids in lounge driving me crazy.
1625 K and M play tennis on drive.
1651 K eats cereal. M in room
1707 Kids go to park. I finish blog stuff and move with sleepy baby to couch.
1745 Les wakes up and starts on dinner.
1800 Les goes to dairy. Kids get back and Will wakes up.
1820 Dinner! Cold Chicken Nibbles and Green Salad
1850 Dinner over. We all watch the Simpsons and then Hoodwinked
1959 Les gets Will ready for bed.
2120 The kids head to bed. Les and I watch Date Movie. And did stuff on the computers.
0015 Les goes to bed.
0027 I went to bed.

Weather: CRAP RAIN, RAIN, RAIN!!! Lamenting the fact I cleared out all the firewood and the fireguard in preparation for summer.

Cool: Getting stuff done while Les and the kids were out! And when they got home as well.

Not Cool: Headache still present will be going to Dr. on Monday!

On my mind: Trade me and blog headers.

Photos: 94

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