Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hair Today, Gone Today

I'm not a hairdresser kind of girl. I think I've been maybe 20 times in my life. The first time I was about 25. But I go through phases. All of the sudden I will go.... "nah, sick of this it's too long, it's driving me nuts!" and then provided I have the cash I'll get it all cut off that day, the sooner the better-

And I go extreme, really short (for me) considering I have been a down to my bum sort of girl in the past.

And then I think it looks awful for a week or so while I get used to it and I swear that I'll never cut it again and just go back to having totally long hair.

And then I get used to it and learn how to tame it. But still resolve not to cut it.
Until one day when I'll just go... "nah, sick of this it's too long, it's driving me nuts!" and so on....

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