Monday, February 8, 2010

Christchurch- Will Stuff

If your name is Will S and you happen to be 2 years old whole new house for a whole week is a whole new set of adventures and discoveries.....

He led me down the garden path...

Spent time on the tramp....

and learnt a whole new saying:
"Your freakin' me out!"

He joined Bentley in his basket. (Bentley departed swiftly)

And spent some time and not inconsiderable effort trying to figure out what the appeal was....

He did some cooking with SylBia.

And continued to be a super helper...

The kitchen in Christchurch has full and uninterrupted access so he spent a bunch of time checking out things and dragging the beater around the house.

And then there was....

Which did....

When someone did...

Pretty Cool!

And of course that let him outside!

To 'the hill climb' which is something we don't have at home and a great physical challenge.

Oh and did I mention the dog basket?

When he wasn't freakin' me out.

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