Thursday, June 18, 2009

Miss Lily, again!

It seems like forever ago now but it was only the end of last month when we went up to Helensville to catch up with Miss Lily and Miss Jennie!

We had a really lovely time. It's nice to compare notes on baby raising and just be reminded that where you are at and what's going on is normal.

Will and Lily played nicely together.

And also got into mischief together as well.

Will admired Miss Lily's cooking utensils- something of a passion for him.
Then he tried to get Miss Lily to hand them over by lavishing her with hugs...

and more hugs....

And some kisses as well!

But all Miss Lily was willing to give Will was a kiss...

Will did a great job of showing Jennie the next steps in baby proofing her house. And showed Lily all the potential trouble she can get into. And we also taught Miss Lily a new bad habit. Will stole her drink bottle and so I told her to give him the bash... so she did! She just hit him softly a couple of times... Jennie was shocked.. I thought it was funny.
It was a lovely rainy day indoors with friends!

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