Saturday, October 17, 2009

On Friday Will....

Looked at the world through new eyes.....

Discovered what remained of the rain....

Ran through wet washing and crashed to the ground with a giggle and a dramatic flourish....

Spent a little time in the shed.....

Got down and dirty with nature....

Yearned for the mower...

Beat a wooden trum trum on a rather heavy drum....

Considered the value of Recycling....

Examined the outdoor equipment...

Fitted himself for the summer swimming season.....

Wielded a pointy hunk of metal...

Pumped a little air in his day

Tinkered with the BBQ...

Ran around like a crazy horse...

Did a spot of plane spotting....

Threw the vortex...

Launched his 'glider'...

Pushed the swing...

Swung himself...

And groomed the lawn.

All I did was hang the washing on the line.

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