Thursday, October 1, 2009

36 at 36

  1. I am happier than I have ever been.
  2. I am more open to changing myself.
  3. But less patient with changes around me (the switch to Thunderbird has been a real challenge).
  4. I care less about what people think.
  5. I care more about what I think.
  6. I am more observant.
  7. I am more involved.
  8. I am more spontaneous.
  9. I may be the most tired I have ever been in my life.
  10. I find things more incredible and more marvelous than ever before.
  11. I also find the sad things sadder.
  12. I am more assertive when it comes to meeting the needs of myself and my family.
  13. I am less prepared to compromise.
  14. I am more in love than ever before. With not one, but 5 incredible people.
  15. I am heavier than I have ever been.
  16. I am the least fit I have ever been.
  17. I am really comfortable with my space.
  18. I read less than ever before but hope to turn that around.
  19. I know more about myself than ever before but am still finding this tricky.
  20. I have learnt that I work in phases and bursts.
  21. I often get consumed with one idea or one task to the detriment of all others (this doesn't work well with small children).
  22. I have never been so amazed by a kid like I am by Will. Or so driven nuts either.
  23. My tastes and styles are changing dramatically- not something I would have expected so much now.
  24. I waste too much time.
  25. I LOVE creating.
  26. I can do seemingly impossible things.
  27. I can better make hard decisions.
  28. I still don't feel like a grown-up.
  29. I think I am less selfish.
  30. I am actively working towards having less.
  31. I am becoming a more discerning consumer.
  32. I LOVE Cinnamon Dolce Frappucinos.
  33. I think colour rocks.
  34. I talk to myself, especially in the car.
  35. I read my stars every morning.
  36. I play at least one sudoku every day.

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