Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wet Wet Wet

Water seems to have been a bit of a theme in our lives of late. With all the rain going on it's not surprising. But we have also had at least 4 water cuts while the Maint people try and fix the ageing pipes in Married Quarters- in a standard ambulance at the bottom of the cliff style. When they do it they turn on one of hydrants to vent the water off. It's a terrible waste but we try and make some good come of it.

Along with our friends next door.

Our house is in a some sort of magnetic effect on our road which causes the water to pool right at the end of our driveway. With the added effect of the drain on the opposite side being permanently at about 5% draining capacity and our drain often being covered by paper and debris (due once again to our magnetic effect) we end up with quite a pool.

Afterwards you need a bath to warm up and get clean again- but it's well worth it. We've also had quite a few trips to the beach recently too and the pet shop.

Did you catch that great segway to these water pics which I am posting purely because I like them!!

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