Sunday, March 17, 2013

Story Chapter 11 - The List

 The List....

1. Order: Practice habits that serve your routine. Let routine guide your days. Strive to maintain order.
2. Tranquility: Speak and act calmly and with patience not only to those around you but also to yourself.
3. Moderation: Give your attention to many things each day. But only one at a time. 
4. Silence: Speak only well of yourself and others- do not allow yourself to be pulled into gossip.
5. Communicate: Speak openly and explicitly your love to those that need most to hear it.
6. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
7.  Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 
8. Temperance: Eat and drink only that will sustain you best.
9. Gratitude: Be mindful of your blessings. Appreciate and celebrate them.
10. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 
11. Adventure: resolve to explore and discover your own corner of the world. 
12. Kinship: Communicate with those for whom you care and care for you.
13. Prioritise: Put that first which deserves your attention most. Let go of that which does not serve your life.
14: Generosity: Be generous with your time and effort share it with the members of your community that most deserve it.
15. Honesty: Be honest at all times with yourselves and others.
16. Be Present: Think not so much of the past except to learn from your mistakes. Dream not of the future in extremes but in real possibilities.  

I left in some of Benjamin Franklin's in the list as is because I liked them. Adapted others for me, left some out and added some new ones as well. I think there are too many but I'm not sure what I wanted to leave out. I've been mindful of some them for the last week since I wrote up the draft and will have to really work at some others. The trick will be not to kick myself when I don't manage to achieve some of the more important ones.

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