Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Right now...

Right now, I am...
:: listening to the sound of the water in Les' shower.
:: relieved that Tama is a bounce back boy and has shown no ill effects from his General Anesthetic today.
:: hoping that the MRI results will show that he's in the 90% of cases that are just fine.
:: feeling exhausted from holding 9kg of cuteness for the better part of the day. 
:: seeing mess but pleased that it has been left because some relaxation is in order.
:: wondering at ways to guide Will through his current phase of silly/loud giggling and attempts to maim his baby brother. Sibling rivalry is no fun for anyone.
:: dreaming of my pillow and duvet.
:: loving that it's a three day kindy week.
:: wishing that I had have signed up for Ali's 31 class at Big Picture I'm really in a writing mood.
:: thinking some deep and heavy shit that the book I am reading has brought about.
:: anticipating Tamas birthday next month- now that we get paid monthly it's a 'must do' to think ahead.
:: going to bed.
 Night all!

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