Monday, May 25, 2009

More Catching-up; Easter

I never did actually get around to posting the photos from our Easter. Kieran was away on the Saturday (at Jakes) and L, M, W and I went to Browns Bay on the way to do some shopping at Albany so we could get Starbucks- as you do! While we were there we met these lovely gents and Merenia was lucky enough to get to feed the birds!

While Will watched on completely fascinated, unsurprisingly.

Kieran came back in time for the Bunny on Sunday and we were surprised to find that he (the bunny) had done something a little different this year... in the past he has snuck around and laid out a hunt while the children are eating breakfast. But I am not sure if it was my lovely 'easter tree' or a change to the schedule this year or maybe because we have a toddler in the house, this year the bunny came while we were all asleep and left the loot under the tree.

The kids got less chocolate this year too... and a couple of books and toys in their place which is cool!

They still seemed pretty happy about it all though.

You might say; they had a ball!

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