Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I've been quite lax in taking photos for my change project. Part of it weather related, part of it Will related (he's more likely to protest loudly if I leave him in the car on the side of the road while I wander up and down snapping pics) and the other thing is there's always workers there getting on with the job!
I have an idea to get permission to go on site to photograph machinery so we can make a 'Trucks, Cranes and Diggers ' type book. They have lots of cool stuff and I for one want to know what it's called. The project is planned to end in 2012 and we generally pass through 2-4 different parts of the site each day so it's going to be apart of our life aspect for most of Will's baby/toddlerhood.

This model was on display at the Airshow day.... This bit is Westgate, our local shopping centre).

This is our bit - the way we will drive to school when it's all done. (From left to right though all three roundabouts and under the motorway.

And here's an Airforce point of view... Can you see our house?? it's across the airfield on the left. :-)

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