Friday, January 23, 2009

The curious case of the girl drinking tea, 7+ a day and other numbers...

Well I have to say that I have been meaning to write this post for around 22 days. I'm going to tell you my plan for the year as it stands at this time... plans can and do get revised of course.

The reason I am telling you all this is because I need to be accountable and what better way than to tell a bunch of people I know... phew... deep breath.

So as you know my word for the year is Healthy and I am focusing on three different areas; Me, the house and our finances. To that end I am currently working on three different goals.

No. 1. Just to be aware of what I eat. Including eating less rubbish, eating more often (I often skip lunch) and to add some new stuff in that's good for me. Which is why after 35 years of not drinking it I am now drinking tea. Green Tea to be exact. Yes that is also a lemonade with strawberries in it beside the tea- I was expecting the tea to taste pretty foul. I didn't, which was a pleasant surprise. And at least I was getting some fruit in as well... something that, strangely, I am not so good at. I am trying to eat so as to lose weight and gain health. In the interests of accountability as of about 2 weeks ago I weighed 100.7 kg (crap can't believe I just said that in public) which means I lost weight over Christmas which I think is cool.

No. 2. I am working on removing 7 items from our house each day... whether I throw them out, sell them, pass them on or recycle them, my goal is 7 a day. Some days I don't do 7, some days I do way more than 7. It feels great. And by the end of the year the house will be lighter by 2555 items and so will our lives. The goal is to surround ourselves with only the things we use, or truly love. I'm not keeping count but I can assure you that I have thrown out over 154 things at this point (scary eh??)

No. 3. I am keeping a 'waste' list. I write down each and everything I buy that was not needed. Like the bottle of coke (ah sweet stimulants) that I got at the supermarket today. I do a tally up the night before payday and I have to say the first week I was in shock. I didn't realise that we had that much money to waste!! The aim is to make the amount that I waste smaller each fortnight until it is under $20-30 unless we have some sort of special occasion. In the interests of accountability it was around $300. (Yes Les around $300) Around half was food (mainly drink or stuff for the kids while we were out) and the other half was stuff like clothes and a couple of birthday gifts- which had I sorted my act out to make I wouldn't have needed to buy. There is a complicated 'Gypsy' formula to the list; for example I wouldn't add scrapbooking stuff to the list if I used the same value of stuff that fortnight- but I would if I hadn't done any scrapping- things like that. I have already learnt a little about my buying habits.... like I believe at times I 'deserve' to waste money eg if Les gets to have a night out for a posh dinner then I deserve a bottle of Coke... I realise that's wrong on so many levels. But now I know so I can change... sweet eh?

Phew I feel a bit like I went to school in PJ's or split my pants in front of a crowd after this post... but if it helps then what the heck.


Libby Dyson said...

I left you a blog award for this bolg too, Gypsy. Looks like you had a great day with your friend. Collect your award at

Anonymous said...

Yay for you hun! Awesome goals to aspire to but damn scary to admit to the world! I wish you all the best with keeping them!