Monday, May 6, 2013

It's my blog....

.... and I'll back date if I want to.

I've just finished going back and catching my blog up on all the stories that I didn't have time, energy or enthusiasm to get down in the last few months. I could have written them and published them in this month but I didn't. I back dated them as far back as February 21st. I did it because I write this blog not only to share but more to keep our memories and I wanted them in the order that they happened around the time frame that they happened. Because if I go back through to look at something for scrapbooking or any other reason I want the stories to be where I expect them to be.

I still have a whole bunch of my Sunday Story posts to write and I'm going to do that because it's really important to me to clarify my thinking around my own story and our family's story. I want to see where we've come from, to see where and why the bad chapters are, see how and why the characters have developed the way they have. And most importantly to put in place a rough draft for the next chapter.

But anyway I just wanted to say if you want to not miss a thing then you need to go all the way back to February and make your way back to now... you don't have too though, I write these stories for me, you reading them is just a bonus.

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