Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's in a name?

Telling people your baby name choices before your small person has arrived more often than not can be a horrible mistake.  People of ten feel the need to issue their opinions on the choices and they are more often or not negative. I won't be sharing any of our real options with anyone (cept Les).

We have three girls names that we like and agree on  but no boy names at all and as we won't know what we're getting until we've got him/her we are on the look out at the moment for possible names. We do have some fun joke names though. Last time around we told people we'd call the baby Noname. Get it 'NO name'.

Having named a child Will I am now a little more cautious about the connotations on the name we choose. Think Will-POWER, Force of Will and WILLful and you'll understand what I mean.

So we have joked about a girl called Carmen, but spelt CALMen.

Or a boy called Placido. PLACID-o.

Seriously though we are looking for boy names.
  • Not common, popular.
  • Not the name of any pain in the butt kid that I ever taught.
  • Not with the same first initial as anyone currently in our family (L, G, K, S, M, W, R (Ruby the cat) ).
  • Not a name that rhymes with anyone in our family.
  • Not the name of anyone currently in our family.
  • Not a name that sounds like it should be on Jerry Springer or Days of Our Lives: Think: DaShaun, LaWonda, Ridge, Talon, Claw, or Thorn.
  • Oh and heres the kicker we, Les and I, both have to agree on it.
Good Luck! If this baby has a willy it looks like it'll be another little Noname for a while yet.


Anonymous said...

I suppose Jebadiah is out of the question? - Lisa

Gypsy said...

We used to call Will Willamiah Jebadiah when he was little :-) I can't see Les going for it though.

Unknown said...

Ahem. :-) And there's always the more formal James. :-)

Gypsy said...

You read the bit where I said not common.

Anonymous said...

I Like Asher - It's Biblical (so a 'real' name, for people who like that sort of thing) and it means fortunate, blessed and Happy :)
Macchi xox

Gypsy said...

Yes, I like Asher too.... I quite like A names in general. Not sure what Les thinks though.