Friday, February 4, 2011

The other kid, you know the large scruffy blonde one

My boy, my first baby is going out there in the world of big kids. He's been chucked back down to the bottom of the school food chain. A turd-former as they used to say. Year 9 doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

At the same time he's being thrust into the world of independence and responsibility. He's even got to make his own way home each day.

He's going somewhere that it's generally expected that parents keep out of except of rare occasions of performance, reporting and (hopefully not) trouble. We'll be forced to glean information from a boy child entering adolecence. He already spends his spare time holed up in his room figuratively cuddled up to the computer. I'm struggling with how we will know what's going on at school and just how things are going.

We're incredibly proud of him. He was the dux of his school last year and has made it into the GaT class at High School and the Sports Academy. And we know he is a good kid. But what about the 350 odd kids that got suspended, stood down, and expelled from the school last year. What about the fact he is just one of 2500 pupils, one of 900+ year nines?

How will I get photos to scrapbook the experience?

How will he cope with the early starts. The increased pressure, the workload? How will we know if he's not coping. I mean hell he's going to find it hard enough just wearing 'school shoes' all day everyday.

Did we choose the 'right' school for him?

Has he made the right choices? I mean really, Spanish? I know Spain is his favourite soccer team but lets face it it's not like he's going to be called up as an international for Realmadrid anytime soon. I mean he plays hockey apart from any thing else!

Will we have fights over homework? How will I win the fights? Should I win the fights? Should he?

Have I asked the right questions? Are high schoolers tool cool for book covering? I voted Yes. Lunch boxes. No. Does he need coloring pencils? Was it ok that I wrote his name on his stuff?

Will his form teacher be nice?

Should I have ironed the creases out of his shorts?

What if he loses his bus ticket? Will he make new friends fast? Will he be ok? Will he enjoy it? Will he appreciate it? Will it be worth it?

Will he be happy?

It's Kieran's first day at High School. Seriously. Shit.

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