Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Haircut Phenomenon

Will has recently had his third haircut- I think perhaps I might be getting a little better at it despite the challenges presented- like a squirmy 2 year old with a double cowlick right out front.

But I do have a bit of a problem. I wonder if any body else can attest to the haircut phenomenon?

It seems the shorter a kids hair is- the more likely they are to be boisterous and cheeky and troublesome and just downright naughty.

Some kids at school especially the freckly ones that have really short hair- you can almost guarantee that they will be ratbags.

I've noticed that Will has very definitely got his cheeky on a whole bunch more since I cut his hair. So has the cat. :-(


Carrie said...

Nice job of the haircut - I'm impressed.

Unknown said...

When can I book in for a hair cut? Promise not to squirm too much while you are cutting or get too cheeky with shorter hair!! (HONEST)