Friday, August 14, 2009

All about words

We are having a language explosion at our place currently and we have a serious case of parrot syndrome hence you have to watch what you say. I know this as I have said the F- word and the S-word in the last week. I also said 'Dude' which is one that I will be using more often as that wee parrot is so darn cute!

The other thing we have going on is emphasising the second syllable ie;

A Hammer is - ham- MA!
An apple is ahh-PULL!
A banana is a da-NA!
And the Vacum Cleaner is clee-NAR!

All said with great enthusiasm hence the exclaimation marks.

He also recently picked up gross which is said with great gusto and grossness! I'm in the process of uploading another weeks worth of videos here's the first...

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