Now that Will is 20 Months old.... (Oh My! that's the downhill side to a whole 2 years old and it means it's taken me two months to getting around to writing this because I meant to do it when he was one and a half!).
He weighs... 10.98kg (with his clothes and shoes on)
He measures.. 80 cm
He has ... 12 teeth plus the start of four more
Will can....- Walk
- Dance
- Climb up on the chairs, couch and table
- shake his head no
- Post shapes with no help
- Understand a whole lot more than he says
- Ignore the stuff he doesn't want to know
- Complete the colour circle puzzle matching all 9 colours on his own
- Let us know when he wants us to come, stop, get him something
- Wave goodbye
- Give beautiful kisses (he even closes his mouth now)
- Smell flowers.
- Keep himself safe by going down the stairs backwards
- Scream, Pinch, pull hair and bite
Will loves...- His dad
- his brother
- his mummy
- Aircraft (any and all)
- Playing outside especially in the dirt
- Helping
- Water play
- Bubbles
- his sister
- Rugby
- Talking
- Boystuff
- The vacuum cleaner
- Tools especially the Hammer
- To do the sit and spin
- reading stories
- Making art
- being tickled, jiggled, wrestled, turned upside down, and thrown in the air
- Balls and ballons
- Baths
- Having swings and slides
- clambering over his family when they lay on the floor
- Ruby
- Pulling out the stuff in the kids plate cupboard
- Taking photos
- Sitting on the dishwasher 'helping'
- Getting Dirty
- Playing 'BAAAAHHH!!!' with Kieran and Merenia
- Small doses of his Buzzy Bee DVD
- Seeing how things work
Will tolerates.... (read: kind of dislikes actually)- Driving in the car
- Having to go where the big kids go
- Cuddles
- Going to bed
- People in his face when he's cranky or tired
- Not getting his own way
Will gets called...- Will
- Willy
- Wilbur
- W
- Dubby
- Bubbaluba
Will eats...- breastmilk
- Yoghurt
- Crackers
- Chocolate Chippie biscuits
- Chocolates
- Corn on the cob
- Sultanas
- bread
- Smoothies
- Spaghetti Bolognaise
- whatever everyone else is having for breakfast
- Not a hell of a lot at dinner
- But sometimes he will permit the following to pass his lips in small doses; Cheese, jar food, fruit toast, banana, peas, potato and chips & dip
Will....- Wakes at 6am for a drink and then snoozes for an hour or so.
- Goes to bed at 12:30pm and screams occasionally he may sleep for 15-30 minutes.
- But will sleep for 2 hours during the day if I hold him.
- Goes down for the night around7-7:30pm
- Wears big boy shoes
- Still has undetermined eye colour
- Has a stack of hair (he's had 2 haircuts- after the first I told myself not to do it again- after his second I wished I had have listened).
- Looks great in his crowny hat, vest and trackys.
- Looks super cute most of the time
- No longer has a dummy at all(for about 5 months I think).
Will Says....
Hello, Dad, Mum, Ruby, car, plane, glider, Helipcopter, Chair, milk, moon, ball, bubbles, bath, Jet, Merenia, Kieran, Ta, Granny, dude, gross, Rugby, bird, cup, bowl, cracker, biscuit, Will, Willy, Meow, apple, heart, star, up, hot, Buzzy Bee, lino/vinyl, Yo Gabba gabba, Hammer, Dinner, Banana, (Vacum) Cleaner, Owl, hat, Van, Motorbike, bread, stop, duck, wow, that, watch, eyes, ears, feet, Pop, bike, Uh-oh! And a whole bunch more...
And most likely a bunch of other stuff that my family will remind me about when they read this...