Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tiny Tales Week 10

Random photos of the big kids because they don't make it on here often enough. 
Wonder why?

"Mine" No Tama, mine... you have your own bed!

I thank the god of land ladies every week that ours let us put in the sand pit!

Lots of imaginative and creative block play at the moment. We moved the Duplo from the bedroom which is great because we can now put Will to bed with out fear of injury. But bad as we now can't walk out the sliding door without fear of injury. 

Tama has become a climbing machine.

"That's not a ball Tama- it's a Death Star."

"No you may not raid my stash!"

"And get down from there too Danger Baby!"

Scrap Room transformation complete. (I 'had' to get a second paper rack- yeah right!)

Kieran and Les went to an Ambrose Golf Fund-raiser for Hockey. Les said he was pretty good for a first timer.

One last swim in the pool- the weather's cooling down... to Auckland Summer Temps. 
I can't believe we got so lame so fast!

Les got a hankering for a cooked breakfast... what's a girl to do?

There's a frog (or possibly a LOUD cricket) in our front yard. If he starts up before Tama is asleep we end up going through a whole routine of going outside and 'looking' for it (impossible). And then yelling at it and telling it off. And telling it to go away across the road to stay with it's friends.

Tama it turns out is not a fan of Frogs.

Current vices: Iced Tea, Iced Coffee and Mixed Berry starburst... I ate lots because it said 'limited edition'... I have to say it's obviously not that limited.

A neighbourly visit.

He couldn't be my boy- he instantly said: "No photo me"

Reflection of the pool on the 'alfresco' ceiling- super cool.

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