Monday, November 12, 2012

Tiny Tales from Week 41

The second week of the school holidays.....

Tama didn't bump his head... but he did find the cold pack and knew what to do with it. :-)

Kieran spent the hours he was concious (12pm -12am generally) looking much like this.

And Will spent his days looking like a clown.

Actually it was more like behaving like a clown. :-) This is Bananas the Clown who did a free show at one of the local libraries. On the same day we went to another one at a different library... but he deserves a whole post of his own.


Merenia spent most of her week at Camp.

And surprise, surprise Tama spent his week looking and being adorable.


It was a nice week. Calm and relaxed. Just chilling with  my home boys.

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