Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Right now, I am...
:: listening to the sounds of the baby struggling against the sleep he so desperately needs and Will in the Wii.
:: eating some hot cross buns and iced coffee.
:: feeling a little sore in the neck and shoulders. But also very pleased to have finished a big project which was weighing me down.
:: working sweeping the living area floors- been working on that since Tama's first sleep this morning.
:: loving quiet days at home with my little boys.
:: appreciating the warm weather which persisits- think we might go to the pools tomorrow.
:: dreaming about a little scrapbooking time just for me.
:: plotting a walk around the park while Kieran is at Hockey practice and feeding the ducks with my baby.
:: enjoying doing some reading in the evenings before bedtime- I have a stack of books I want to read.
:: thinking about friends and friendship, teenage troubles and the best way to proceed with a tricky situation.
:: planning a trip to the garden center but first I need to figure out what veges to plant in a Perth Autumn.
:: looking forward to finally making the Banoffee Pie I was supposed to make last week for Pi day!
:: treasuring the time before my boy starts walking- it seems like you really start to leave those baby days behind when they get upright and as he's now started pulling himself up on the furniture it's looming closer and closer.
:: loving the conversation Will and I had in the car today on the way back from the fruit shop.

Will: Mum, Dad told me a story about Thunderbirds when I went to bed last night.
Me: Did he? That sounds really cool.
Will: Yes he did! And it had Will Tracey in it.
Me: Wow that sounds really special.
Will: Yes, it was indeed.

And then he proceeded to give me a blow by blow account of the story which was really neat because he's not big on retelling stuff so sometimes I'm not a 100% sure that he's understood it all. When I shared the conversation with Les on the phone he told me that it wasn't till halfway through the story when he introduced the character Tama Tracey that Will looked at him and said: "Is Will Tracey ME?!"

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