Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I see dead people... and a whole bunch of other shit... :-)

I see weird stuff...

I often find myself seeing something completely out of the ordinary or fascinating and wondering if I am the only one in the world that saw it. It's great that I see these things- but some days I really wish there was some one to confirm what I saw because sometimes it seems so unlikely I don't know if I believe it myself.

I notice cool reflections on the wall above my washing machine.

I noticed one day that by pure accident the garden hose had been arranged in the shape of a treble clef.

A long time ago I saw a cat run into a flock of seagulls that were standing in a puddle. The cat caught one of the gulls as the rest flew up into the air. Seconds later the gulls realised the predicament of their mate and dive bombed the cat who let go of his prey and ran for safety.

I'm sure I have seen ghosts. And on two occasions I have seen in my minds eye scenes of crimes that have yet to happen as I have passed by their (future) location. Both of them happen sometime later.

From train window I once saw a hare sitting on the side of an irrigation drain decide to suddenly jump and land right in the water.

Yesterday I saw the effect that timing has when a large truck with a cage like deck was standing still in an intersection and behind it a couple of white trucks went past making it look like the white trucks were moving on the back of the still truck.

I saw 'something' come down from the sky last night.


Anonymous said...

And you saw my dad!! <3 <3 <3
(You have no idea how comforting that was)

Macchi xoxoxo

Gypsy said...

Oh my goodness, I'll never forget that day I was a blithering freakin' mess because I was petrified I was going to do more harm than good at a time that was so so hard for you. But I also remember just how he felt and how it looked. It was like that feeling you have when you survey the work you've just done- like a hard to make fully decorated birthday cake, painting a whole house, or just a fully mowed law. You just stand there and breath in the goodness of a job well done. But in his case it was so much more. It was a life well lived and he was just lightly touching every corner taking it all in,