Sunday, November 30, 2014

Presently- 30-11-14


~ looking at the ladies and gents who live at the retirement village my grandma resides in. Some of these ladies look like they're too young to belong- I hope that's me in my mid 70's.
~ listening to various conversations around the table.
~ relieved that the weekend has gone smoothly.
~ hoping to be able to do it again.... at least once a year would be nice.
~ seeing the results of joining two cultures in a common place...pleasantries exchanged but self-chosen segregation in general.
~ wondering why.
~ loving Christmas Cookie Frappuccino- I inadvertently saved the best till last.
~ thankful for my Grandma.
~ inspired by Poinciana trees- fantastic!
~ savouring Roast lamb for lunch.
~ reading Woman's Day (at Grandmas).
~ swooning over the Poinciana trees.
~ going home today.
~enjoying time away from family, driving a new car.
~ feeling tired, relaxed, amused.
~ counting the Frappuccinos... 5 in two days. One more?
~ tasting European food by Chinese chefs. Not great.
  ~ in awe of Brisbane's traffic system.
~ wishing for a lotto win so I can get Grandma over to Perth to live.
~ anticipating the boys tomorrow morning: Where's my present? :-)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thursday, November 27, 2014