Sunday, March 23, 2014

Presently~ 23/3/14


~ looking at photos from the Hockey Carnival yesterday.
~ listening to Radio Paradise- recommended by Jennifer Wilson of Simple Scrapper fame - a very cool online music station. 
~ relieved to have scrapbooked 3 years worth of Christmas photos and put them all in albums.
~ hoping to keep up a regular schedule of scrapbooking. I forgot how good if feels to my spirit.
~ seeing a website Kieran is looking at "Pimp that Snack".
~ wondering how they would have made the hazelnut for the giant Rocher Chocolate they 'pimped'.
~ loving Will at the moment (as always) but especially enjoying reading Captain Underpants together.
~ thankful to have got past the idea that things 'have' to be a certain way.
~ inspired by the ease of the project life system.
~ savouring the weekend vibe.
~ reading The Power of Mothers By Celia Lashlie- thought-provoking, fascinating and a bit depressing.   

~enjoying Breaking Bad with Kieran.
~ feeling very happy to have brought Vienna some joy this weekend.
~ tasting Les' Hedgehog slice... yum.
~ ever grateful for my family. I have had a catch-up with a few people in the last couple of weeks- it's good to chat.
~ in awe of the wind- it's amazingly powerful up here- I have to appreciate it or it'd drive me crazy.
~ trusting myself- or at least trying to. I can do hard stuff.
~ wishing the supermarket shopping was already done.
~ anticipating the start of the Hockey season- after yesterday's Carnival I'm really looking forward to it. I'm grateful to be part of the Kalamunda Hockey Club Community.

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