Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tiny Tales from Week 41

This was the second week of the school holidays. We were still just hanging around.

Tama had a one day fever and vomitty bug- this seems to be his 'thing'.

When he wasn't sick he was playing Lego games with Will. Will has an elaborate set of rules for these games- I'm not sure I'd understand if I had the energy to listen to them all- I know Tama doesn't. I guess that's why Will always wins. :-)

Will had a treat on the Saturday night- we set up Les' Laptop so he could watch Doctor Who in bed. Well we sold it as a treat anyway. In actual fact we wanted him in bed earlier as we've become addicted to Game of Thrones and it is definitely not kid friendly- so early to bed for Will meant more episodes for us. :-)

The first of the sweetpeas are flowering- when I do the planting work in April I completely underestimate just how good it will be in the spring. :-)

And the weather is finally starting to warm-up so we got outside with some water- hooray!!!


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