Sunday, August 28, 2011

Postcard from Perth

Since we have arrived in Perth we have been super busy, very tired and also fairly ill in the case of most of the members of the family. very time we go out I have the camera but also generally have an armful of Tama and a list of things to do so I haven't taken many photos and in fact most have been taken from a moving car. I am also so completely out of whack time wise I just haven't managed to get my head in the game. Les starts work on Thursday and we have 4 days left in the apartment at that point so hopefully I'll be able to have a bit of a break in the lull before we move into our house (where ever that may be). Anyway in the meantime until I get my act together here is a small snapshot of life here in Perth- fittingly just the start and finish of the day- as the rest is a bit of a blur....

The great thing about being up at 5:30am is that the river is still completely calm and still but the sun is already up so the reflections of the neighbouring buildings on the water look spectacular! This is the view from our balcony- the sun rises from behind us.


I love what he chose to say!

Will's bed is in the lounge so he goes down in our bed when it's time and Les shifts him when he comes to bed.. Tama is sharing with us and has developed some excellent sleeping habits since we arrived so we have two little boys in a great big bed.....

Of course it's also good for the mornings when all four of us are in there- we're going to suffer when we move into our place and have to go back to a mere queen size bed!

And finally as the sunsets in the west and we live in the west we gets some pretty classic sunsets right off of our deck in the apartment..... sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its cool to see some photos and the photo of the little boys in that big bed is VERY cute. XX Syl