Monday, January 10, 2011

Photo Fatigue and Keyboard lethargy

I do enjoy doing my 365 projects: Family photo 365, Will's 365, and daily blogging- but I do wish there was a week in between last year and this year where I could just not have to worry about it at all. Because doing it half arsed makes me cranky and not having a break makes me cranky too... but not doing it at all just isn't an option.

But right now I am so over the computer... I just wanna sit in the garden and read, read, read and then retire to the scraproom and scrap, scrap, scrap....

There are people (Kathryn and Jozlyn) who I owe personal correspondence to- it's coming girls!

And there are things I want to write and think about- like my WORD of the year and well, getting my kid kitted out for high school and finding a school that will suit us and the girl child, but- it's holidays and I just can't be bothered doing anything. Except eat Cherry Liqueur Chocolates (unfortunately my annual supply has already run out) under the silk tree and watching my little boy have fun in the paddling pool.

I'm looking forward to the weekend as my family is off to see Nana Stockley and I have a chance for some kid free time to relax and rejuvenate- and listen to music extraordinarily loud, and stay up extraordinarily late and scrapbook extraordinarily lots. (So if you were thinking of dropping by this weekend coming or asking me over- then don't bother as my blunt and high speed refusal may offend).

So I guess blogging and correspondence and other such stuff will be in short supply from me for the next little while. It's holidays and my thoughts are scattered- far and wide...


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