Monday, January 12, 2015

This week on the web....

God I am so obsessed with Serial and the complete lack of anyone in my life to discuss it with is driving me bonkers I really just wish that there was someone I could say: "Doesn't... drive you nuts?" And they'd be all like: "I know!" And then I feel like I could just let it go until the intercepts next post despite the fact that the journalist reminds me of that kid in school that always used to try and win a fight with "I know you are, you said you are. But what am I?"

I was going to post a hilariously funny Youtube clip from Saturday Night Live- but it's about Serial so there wasn't much point.

How does one quit the internet?

Something I really enjoyed reading this week was Glennons post on 'the mummy wars'. It's an oldie but a goodie.

 What 2000 Calories looks like: This is interesting especially as the 'home' foods look so much more attractive (except for the Starbucks maybe). And just WOW to a whole days food in one big big shake!

Not on the internet but on SBS 32 Kieran and I stumbled across a super popular Chinese dating show called "If you are the one". A lot gets twisted in translation which makes it fun and the cultural differences make it quite fascinating too. 

And hilarious doesn't go far enough to describe the Fallon Interview with Nicole Kidman! As I write I am waiting for Kieran to wake the hell up so I have someone to appreciate it with (it's 12:54 in the afternoon WTF!?).... what am I going to do when K isn't here any more?

Some Etsy Deliciousness.... no words pretty stuff speaks for itself. :-)

Tulip Girl Bowl

Tapas Plates

Cereal Bowl

Salavaged Word
Star Necklace
Gypsy Soul

Good Things Take Time

Hand Stamped Bands

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