Monday, September 2, 2013

Tiny Tales from Week 25

Presenting this week in Perth.....

Merenia presented science concepts at the presentation for the end of her extension science course at Darling Range.

A flaming Gas bottle in the stream presented a new challenge for us.

Rubbish day presented not one, not two but THREE rubbish trucks all in a line!

Tama presented his theory of relativity.

Conciousness presented a challenge to Will.

I presented lunch to the boys.

Balloons presented themselves to the boys.

Will represented himself as a staunch toast maker. He makes the toast man.

The highway presented us with the biggest excavator bucket we have seen so far!

Twelve eggs presented 10 chicks in Will's class.

The loader presented a LOT of sand.

A ute presented a whole raft of tools and noisy stuff just down the road.

Big hugs were presented.

Large objects presented an immovable challenge.

Family presented a problem for Kieran

Fishing presented no challenge for Kieran.

Construction presented no challenge for Les and Will.

And a whole heap of joy for Tama.

Tama and I presented our selves to the mirror and the camera.

The Cross-country race presented something of a challenge to Will....

Kieran was presented Student of the Month!

Tama presented himself as a newly minted 2 year old.

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