Friday, December 16, 2011

The week where I fell off the face of the earth.

It's not like me to just not blog- and for a whole week no less. But I did and there you have it. It's not been any more or less busy than usual. I have my husband back from the land of the bonnie wee scotts laddies. My children are home for the holidays, and my baby has slept well enough. My Christmas and birthday shopping is under control. I have a list and I've checked it more than twice. I've even checked things off of it! But it's just been a week where everything that's been brewing with the whole have a baby, move countries thing has totally and utterly caught up with me, Les and the big kids. That's not to say we are regretting the move or the baby, just that both have brought their challenges and for this week the complexity of issues we faced in NZ and new issues that come with change have all piled up on us like snow in a northern Christmas- gently and quietly, floating snowflake by snowflake. First it doesn't settle and then little by little it does just in little drifts in corners and crevices and it builds so slowly you don't see it until there is a mountain of snow and it seems all too hard to shovel a way through. But shovel we will and I'm sure we'll make it through. It's just overwhelming at the moment.

I read tonight of a Ali Edwards impending divorce, she wrote with such grace and asked knowing there would be a huge out pouring of comments from her adoring fans that their words be positive. I wrote...

What an incredible life you've had.
What an incredible life you have.
What an incredible life you'll have.
There is no doubt.

And it's true for us all. Sometimes it's incredibly hard- but it's still incredible.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I liked the comment when I saw it on Facebook, love it even more now that I know what was behind it. You are so clever with words.