I was inspired by this blog and think I may just have to add a few of those to my blog from time to time. So today, the photos that I didn't take were;
- At school when I dropped the kids off this morning (still in PJ's again, jeese I hope the car doesn't break down one of these days)... anyway We pulled up alongside Maddy T who was wandering dreamily into school. And when she turned and saw who was in the car beside her she just cracked her massive smile that I so love seeing. She is such a sweet girl and she really does just beam when she smiles you can so tell that her joy is completely genuine.
- The photo I didn't take on the way home was one of those classic sunbeams through the clouds shots. It's quite a grey day here (the weather obviously saw my washing load) and the sun was pretty glorious in it's efforts to break through those strong grey masses it looked awesome.
Merenia was being thoughtful this morning so she got me out the "Marmalade Breakfast Jam" I have to say I am glad that I am not too tired at the moment as I probably wouldn't have noticed her error till to late...
I had to laugh at this too this morning...
Lucky she's doing lots of splling practice I think.
I'm not having milk at the moment to make sure that it is not what's bothering Will- god it's hard I miss it and now crave things I hardly ever have. I'm also obviously more tired than I feel because I was seriously contemplating a cup of coffee when I was driving home this morning (I don't drink coffee) and I jumped at the chance of a Diet Coke the other day, I'm not in to Diet at all but damn it was good. And yesterday I brought chocolate raisins and I'm not that big on chocolate either. But stimulants are obviously my thing at the moment.
Will is back to spending the period from 4:30pm till 10:30/11pm awake and it's like walking up a hill that gets steeper and steeper as the night goes on. And it also trashes; a) the time that I usually relax in and. b) a big hunk of my time to be creatively productive. I have the pictures printed for the V8 album now and I want to put it together plus I have another digital album to do as well which I want to get onto. I am hanging out to get all this other stuff out of the way so I can scrapbook my family!
The kids found out what their parts are for the production on Monday, I have a Soldier and a Courtier... does that not sound like some tacky love story to you... "The Soldier and the Courtier" I can just see the cover of the Mills and Boon book now.
Finally it's the 19th so you know what that means...
The official 9:38am photo....
The unofficial 9:38am photo.
That my friends is the face of a boy filling his pants!