Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tiny Tales Untold 2012 Week 7

One of the cooler items in our toy cupboard is a collection of hand and finger puppets this week we made, and Will decorated a cardboard puppet theatre- it hasn't had a lot of use yet- and I really need one or two of the big kids to buy into it so we have more hands and ideas (plus they have more free time than me).

More swimming- Perth had it's hottest summer in 34 years this year... thanks Perth a great induction to WA heat!

Tama absolutely loves this little Jack-in-the-box bear. He has also figured that if he whacks it the right way it will flip open- he's a wee smarty pants.

You can see in the background we still haven't put pictures up on the wall. This is a combination of fear, apathy, busy-ness and enjoyment. We have permission- encouragement even from our land lady to put a couple of hooks in each room- and she knows we'll need more heavy duty ones than those she brought over. But the idea of putting holes in the walls is a bit daunting to say the least. Apathy because it's not high on the list of stuff we need to do. And enjoyment because all the white space is quite nice after 10 Morrison Dr- which had heaps of pictures up and had small rooms so was very busy and a bit closed in at times. This place feels clean and clear and open with it's big light walls- and that's a good feeling.

This was fun! Will has a fan that has a spinning light on it. One time at bed time we made the room as dark as possible and Kieran spelled Will's name while I took long exposure photos....

Ever worry that someone may be trying to creep up and eat you from the hair down? Check your shadow!

 Will wakes at 6am most days. Now that he's four he's good at putting the kids shows on and watching for a little while. But particular weekend morning Les got up with him and they ended up watching The Thunderbirds. Now Will is absolutely obbsessed!

Gratuitous Pretty thing...  a weed I spotted down the undeveloped half of Tomah Rd- that area used to be a swamp (I'm guessing more in Winter than summer) so you see some nice little things pop up around there.

And that's about the end of that week.....

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