Monday, April 16, 2012

Tiny Tales Untold 2012 Week 6

This week was pretty quiet with the house now down to 6 people especially as Christy and Luke brought the energy of 4! I really like the picture above it's not often you see all 4 kids together just doing their thing. Looks like Kieran is having cereal and not Weet-bix though... weird.

 This was the week I invented the "Baby Mopper 2000"

And we were all singing the jingle  "Baby Mopper two-thousand, Baby Mopper two-thousand" It's not very original but it was catchy. :-)

Then Will invented the "Kid Mopper 2000" and went round singing his own jingle.


This city has a LOT of Bouganvillia- we have a light pink and a dark pink at home and I spotted this amazing white one while out walking.

This looks sweet doesn't it? In actual fact that's Will obstructing Tama on his travels the next photo 'off the roll' she T crying and Will looking gleeful. Grrrrr.

Love this Concentration Tongue... I wonder if T will do it too? Then I'll have a complete set of Tongue Rolling Concentration Tongue boys (Kieran still does it now in particularly hard phases of Mario Galaxy).

Can you spot the baby in the picture below?
I couldn't either till he made noise.

Oh look there he is....

One of Wills favourite games on the Wii- he calls it :"Boof-ing" and he's quite good at it too- he's a bit too good at it in real life.

Talking about Boofing this around about the same time as Kieran and I had a Hi-ya Ninja styles fight. He caught me on my lower leg and I still have the bruise. I record that for posterity- because I like to give him grief every so often about how he bruised his own mother.

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