Monday, April 2, 2012

Putting out the fires

So after my last post of 'my life is wierd' the following things happened:

1. I got a bunch of 'Me TOO!' responses. That was fantastic. People listened to what I said. I'm not alone and it seems like the way I was feeling was fairly normal.

2. I 'dumped my brain' or if you prefer- I spring cleaned my mind onto a piece of A3 paper. That allowed me to gain some clarity on what's going on.

3. I revisited the 3 Epiphanies I had earlier in the year. These reminded me of various things I have learned recently that help to make my life simple and happy. These were my epiphanies:
  1. One I need to get more sleep if I want to kick my coffee habit. (Seems obvious I know.)
  2. The reason advice asks you to choose 3-5 things to focus on is because there isn't time for any more. Once again obvious- but for those of us whose brains are loaded with ideas and plans it's sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees.
  3. I don't have any time barriers. I used to think I was stretched for time and couldn't manage to do the things I wanted. Then I had to do an exercise for the Move More Eat Well class where I had to name the things that challenged my ability to move more and eat well. I actually couldn't come up with any- cool huh?
4. I came up with a set of goals for April and a plan for working with them.

5. I kicked my butt. In the words of the great Nike- just do it! So I did. And since then I have done caught up the digital scrapping I needed to do. I have done 8 scrapbook pages and I have worked on some stuff with Will and Tama. I sorted my diary and added notes and dates and cleared the mass of paper clutter that had come home from school. I sought help for a nagging problem- and got some (Thanks friends).

So for April:
  1. Bed early.
  2. No sugary treats.
  3. No Coffee
  4. A Layout a day
  5. quit smoking. (embarrassed to admit I started again about 2 weeks after we got here- insert- bullshit excuse about stress).
  6. Keep walking daily.
  7. Sort out the Kieran issues.
  8. Read, daily if possible.
  9. Capture life- big picture and small.
  10. Revisit my Brain dump to be mindful and work on other stuff.
That's it. There's a bunch of you I am very thankful too for your input on this one- your contribution may not have seemed like much but it helped A LOT. Cheers! Now if you could just all move to Perth so we can hang out together that would be great. (You'd like it here- great weather, lots to do!)


Anonymous said...

Gyps - You rock <3

I'm gonna quit smoking (again!) too - it's too expensive, it's too unhealthy, it's a BAD role model for the kids and I don't wanna be *that* person who swans around hospitals and sick people reeking of smoke... I've got 2 1/2 packets left from Duty Free, and after they're gone, they're gone. I'll have passed Dad's anniversary by then, and I won't be doing the year of 'firsts' any more, I won't need them, That's it.

I'm glad you've found some peace, and I'm sorry I dumped the 'D' word on you.... I guess misery loves company, and it's my excuse for EVERYTHING!

Love Macchi <3

Gypsy said...

You didn't dump the D word on me babe. It was a good thought... and I got to read those lyrics! :-)

Good luck with the quitting. Have a plan for when you start the bargaining with yourself. And for dealing with the kids when you're feeling Psychotic. :-)

Oh is that just me? Damn.