Monday, April 16, 2012

The Ever Elusive Kieran

Photos of Kieran these days are rare and extremely hard to get- much like his hugs. I've tried sneaking up on him but then all I get is back of the head shots in one case and whacked in the head in the other situation.

I think if he reads this blog post he may reconsider his stance... because photos of people trying to avoid photos can look quite silly.

I should probably take a photo of his bedroom door because that's the part of him we see most of. But occasionally he does come out when he wants to extend his repertoire of electronic entertainment. Or eat. 

Therefore our conversations generally go something like:
Kieran: Can I please go on the Wii/Playstation/Computer?
Me: Yes/No/Not right now/Not the PS cause T is asleep/After you've done the dishwasher
Kieran: Yuss/Mumblemutter/But later?/Wii then?/Mumblemutter (Clatter clatter clang clang)

That's it... thinking on this maybe I should just make some sort of sign system then we wouldn't even have to talk. :-)

That said, on occasion he comes out and plays with his little brothers- and he's great and they adore him.

I actually very much regret buying him his....

iPod, it's not surgically attached but it may as well be.

It should have a name so then they could go out and be like boyfriend and girlfriend (or boyfriend- we're open minded). This is the item that gets the vast majority of his time and attention. 
 He listens to music with it, plays games, watches short movies, skypes, chats, facebook etc etc etc.

If I was a braver mother and didn't think that he might have some sort of break down and that all hell would break loose and our life would be made a living misery I would make a rule that said: 
"No iPod Sunday night through Thursday"
And then I might see my boy some more. I doubt I'd get any more cuddles though.

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