Sunday, February 15, 2015

'You've had a good day son....'

This was a good week because...

I am keeping up with my LOAD (Layout a day) pages. You can see them here.
Tama had his first full day at Kindy.
Robert came over for a play.
The big kids both got awards at the full school assembly.
The little boys and I had a quick trip to Ikea.
The weather is getting milder.
Les' Mum is finally getting proper full time care with huge thanks to Les' sister and other family for getting this sorted.
I had a good catch up with my Nana on the phone.
I had a super long convo with my sister on skype.
Kieran got a suit for the ball.
I got Cherry liqueur chocolates and it's not even Christmas!
We had a fun Valentines dinner and Nadya came over for the evening.
Les is out for a day at the flying field today.

"You've had a good day son"  is the punchline of a joke my dad used to tell about a father, his son, a bear won in a side show at a carnival and a Mini Car... it's a great joke and the one liner punchline has stayed with us for a very long time. This weekly post is about being grateful for the little and big things in our lives and celebrating success the grand and everyday kind.

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