Sunday, January 4, 2015

'You've had a good day son....'

This was a good week....

Because we started toilet training and it's going well- good compared to the other three even.
Because I packed up the Christmas decorations and that always leaves me with a happy sense of space.
Because Will found the Lego Heroes he was looking for- in Australia.
Because Robert had his first sleep over with us.
Because we had yummy food and drink in the house.
Because we coped with the heat ok.
Because I finished my Daily December album in a super timely manner.
Because Les got out for a round of golf.
Because I finally figured out what my word would be.
Because we enjoyed some really silly TV together.

"You've had a good day son!"  is the punchline of a joke my dad used to tell about a father, his son, a bear won in a side show at a carnival and a Mini Car... it's a great joke and the one liner punchline has stayed with us for a very long time. This weekly post is about being grateful for the little and big things in our lives and celebrating success the grand and everyday kind.

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