Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Round-up~ June 2014

L- The Good Wife, Game of Thrones, Bolt Report
G- The Good Wife, Offspring, Grey's Anatomy, The Men who made us Thin, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Book of Lies by James Maloney and Leadership Wisdom from the Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robert Sharma.
K- Game of Thrones (TV and book), Breaking Bad
M- Offspring. Books: The fault in our Stars. The Sweeps Boy. Conspiracy 365.
W- Operation Ouch, anything with super heroes.
T- Peppa Pig and anything with words- he loves stories!!

Well that was fun...
L & M had a day at the field. Les took the boys to the WA Museum Dinosaur exhibit and the Perth Lego display on the WA day holiday. Merenia went to the Principals Breakfast- dinner and a motivational speaker at a hotel in the city. Noah and Bel came over for a play. Tama and I enjoyed making a Log-Hog together. Kieran went to Corey's to 'hang out'. I went to the scrapbook store at North Perth on my own for about an hour!! :-) The kids went down to Mandurah and caught up with Tankey. We had a lovely afternoon tea for Tama's Birthday with Pam, Robert, Cathy, Josh and Mitch, Bel, Mychael and Noah. Story time on Tama's birthday was about Birthdays. Les took the boys to Tomato Lake.

Yum, yum, yum...
Merenia did a pile of baking on the WA day holiday. Village Pizza for dinner. We had a delicious cooked lunch for Saskia's birthday. And we also had a Zebra cake for desert. Lots of baking for Tama's Birthday... including failed Strawberry Pig Macarons. Fruit toast breakfast in bed for Merenia and Tama. Italian McFlurries!

For you...For me?
We dropped some soup and rolls off to Pam when she was sick. Tama's Birthday. Jamie Oliver sticker books for Vienna and Ehren. I got a Fitbit with my Woolworths points and an iPod with our hotpoints. Flowers for Saskia. Will got a minecraft book from Robert and Tama got some construction books. We got some books at the scholastic sale. We got all new bedding for Tama's Big boy's bed. Les brought an HLG from Chris. I got some new clothes via Etsy.

Trying to get the iPod posted from NZ was a huge mission for Carolann. Will was sick with a cold and sore throat. I got a full on cold and so did Kieran. Merenia was also sick for a day. We wasted an hour we will never get back with the useless, condescending school nurse.

Kieran got great results in his exams. We completed our Jamie Sticker book and one for Amelia, Vienna, Ehren and Will. And we helped the kids in Will's class as well. Chris and Teresa went to NZ and were able to bring my iPod back with them. Les completed the retaining wall for the new path. The lawn is looking great. The kids are all enjoying the new trampoline. We watched both 9/10 teams play. I got my new Doc Martens and then got them stretched.

Kieran had exams. I did lots of walking. Merenia had her first game as a netball umpire. I had a couple of appointments. There were a couple of 'big' storms with all the warning bells and whistles. Appointment with the Kinesiologist. Les had to work a Sunday because they brought an offsider over from Queensland for a week.

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