Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mother's Day Show!

Will's class put on a concert for Mother's Day. We got a tour of the classroom to start with.

Will shared his collection box with me. It has 'Science stuff' in it.

He showed me his art. "On the holidays we went to the park".

And he showed me the chart his class made when they were talking about how their mum's smell.
(And I got a bit of a complex and felt a little paranoid and embarrassed)

Then the concert proper began with some cool songs.

Mrs M has a cool take on nursery ryhmes it goes like this....

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a bail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown.
So we threw him out the window!
The second story window!
With a heavy and a ho and away we go.
We threw him out the window!

You can do it with pretty much any nursery rhyme where a character comes to grief (most of them do). And if you are Will you can also choose random people (Merenia mostly) and just insert their name into the poem. :-)

They also did a play. Will was a farmer. A VERY enthusiastic farmer. He was totally committed to his roll.

Afterwards we enjoyed a lovely morning tea baked by the kids.

It was awesome- we are so fortunate to have found such an amazing school and incredible teachers.

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