Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Together Tuesday

I pulled this image to write a post a couple of weeks into this years Hockey season I was out of my depth and had made at least one unintentional mistake. This mantra seemed like a good one to follow to get myself out of the hole.... onward and upward. I never wrote the post I was too busy doing Hockey stuff.

Fast forward to a few months later and I have done a lot of good shit- hours and hours and hours of good shit. I was at a point when I was nervously optimistic that it was going to be a pretty awesome last Hockey season hanging out with Kieran at the games and watching him play. 

As of today it's been a rough couple of weeks on the Hockey front- I have been relieved of one post and am planning on stepping down from the rest. I'm disappointed in the community that I had come to value highly. Don't get me wrong the vast majority of the people in the club are lovely, awesome people. But the politics, back-door, underhanded, boys club stuff overwhelms and undermines the good work and the good feelings you get from the rest of it.

For me Be Honest and Do Good Shit has turned into stay home and let other people deal with the shit. I'm sad and angry and frustrated.


Anonymous said...

I'm hearing you. Our committee that was running a pilot programme for DS NSW (based in Sydney) for the Hunter Region. We are 18 months into a 2 year stint and have had not only a lack of support from Sydney but they have been actively blocking us :( we resigned en masse as of today - I am offing astounded that an organisation that is set up to support people and families within the DS community is so petty and political - I'm done! I'm at the stage where I would like to just walk away from DS altogether! Wait? What!! hahahah - if that was an option I'd have run years ago! Mind you there are days I could just walk away from here! Hmmm - you are probably wondering how your post on hockey turned into my own private rant - sorry. Anyhow - solidarity from the trenches is what I meant to say!

Gypsy said...

Rants are awesome, rant away!