Friday, October 9, 2009

Mouse Trouble

This is the mouse, brought in by the cat, who lived for a day in Kieran's room.

This is the mouse brought in by the cat who moved to the scrapbooking room after he'd lived for a day in Kieran's room.

And this is the mouse we found with the cat who was in the hallway just outside the spareroom where he moved just after he lived for a day in Kieran's room.

And this is the mouse who jumped in my lap and caused a squeal, after we rescued him from the cat that brought him inside so that he could live for a day in Keran's room.

And if you look closely you will see that here ends the tail of the mouse, brought in by the cat to live for a day in Kieran's room, who was caught in the hall and jumped to the lap and recaptured again to live another day in the safety of the compost heap.

And here is the cat that caught the mouse and brought the mouse and lost the mouse and found the mouse, and still looks for the mouse in various rooms around the house.

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